In his coauthored paper (Kishore & Selvanathan, 1993), “A Classroom Inquiry into the Process of Group Thinking of Middle School Students,” Dr lalit Inshore suggests that by providing small group learning opportunities, school students gain both in social skills and cognitive skills.

The paper earlier published in Educational Review is now being disseminated by under the keyword ‘The Classroom Action Research’ in which authors suggest that with the use of de Bono’s lateral thinking techniques, the middle school students can be made to participate as solution providers to the problems being faced in the school.
Later, in the early 2000s, group learning was made an integral part of Janshala Project ( UN Agencies), Pehchan Project (CULP) and Nikhar Project (Bhavi Nirman Society, Chaksu) for continuous progress based small schools in which the class sessions constituted of three-stage learning comprised of teacher-guided learning, small group learning and individual practice with designed learning sheets. Furthermore, curriculum was organized as multi-level based competency statements.