Spirituality is inward journey to mindfulness to soulfulness: Non-poem
~Lalit Kishore

Spirituality assumes
That mind and soul
Are two abstract identities
Meant to be realized and attained
By humans as
Mindfulness and soulfulness
Through deep practice
of mind-on-mind experiences
Restraining mind
And re-educating mind
Formed through unanalysed experiences
Of senses seeking gratifications
Both informally and formally
Is turning gross mind
Into abstract and subtle mind
With a quest
For seeking soul-realization
Withdraw mind from the physical
That's gross and sensual
Turn mind inwards
To self-observe the mind
Non-reactively with equanimity
Deep practice self-observation skill
Till it becomes spontaneous
Rest will follow as intuition
Once equanimity is sought, striven for and honed
Gross mind turns into subtle intuitive mind
That realise the soulfulness
To stand face-to-face with Truth -
The Non-Physical Existential Truth