The curriculum of science and technology integrated courses called " Courses in Technology to Age 16+" consisting of seven modules was published in 1976 by the then National Centre for for School Technology (NCST), United Kingdom, based at Trent Polytechnic , Nottingham, which was upgraded to regional and international levels and now it is a part of the University of Nottingham.
The blogger, happened to the one of the six senior secondary science teachers from India to undergo a crash course on School Technology on Commonwealth Fellowship at the NCST consisting of seven modules, namely, Mechanisms; Electronics; Aeronautics; Food Technology; Metallurgy; Plastics and Pneumatics.
The modules 'worked as the sources of suggestions to establish a course in technology in its own right or a significant technology element in other courses such science and technical studies.' It has been suggested that of technology could have the elements such as ' technology and Society', ' The Design Process',' Communication',, 'Materials', and 'Energy'.
There was the flexibility for redesigning the courses to make them place-based and through school-industry links. However, this was required to be dome with the framework of three over-arching aims: (1) To create individual interest in and awareness of the technological influence on society; (2) To develop practical technological influence in society; (3) To develop intellectual ability in a technological context. The modules also envisage attempts should be made courses interdisciplinary and should emphasise on values of cooperation and team work between pupls as well as the school and the community.
The coursework in the modules has been described as (i) Syllabus items: Content; (ii) Technological framework of the syllabus (ideas and concepts; Technological tools: Methods and conventions; Application and experience
For flexibility and adaptation purposes, the teachers are required to develop their content, specific course objectives and pupils activity and practical sheets, It has been suggested that technology modules must emphasise the activities that are creative and constructive, Thus the emphasis should on practical rather than theory. However, the science-aspect should more of applied science consists of concepts, laws, principles, and their application in technology, industry and daily life.
The curriculum developers and the examination boards in India must take inspiration from School Technology modules of the the UK to make a shift towards STEM-integrated courses as full-fledged disciplines and introduce the well designed modules for skill development, project work and practical work with one -third emphasis on text learning and two-third emphasis on practical work at the mastery level
Pickup, R. (1976). Technology Modules 2 Electronics, Nottingham: Trent Polytechnic, National Centre for School Technology
Kishore, L (2025). Modules of School Technology Courses of United Kingdom: A Review, Retrieved from
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