“It has been proved through studies that conventional nursery rhymes, through popular, are cognitively useless for kids as they are written by literary people and have the words beyond the age-appropriate language pitching for kids. They make children imitative, showy and rote-learners. It is advisable that teachers create their pattern poems to build the age-grade appropriate vocabulary and cognitive development. Furthermore, making poems too musical, it would be appropriate to create rhythmic poems to be recited with a few gestures at a time,” says Jaipur based educator-researcher whose news story “Decline of nursery rhymes” was published in ‘Cplash: Citizen’s News, Views and Beyond’ – a citizen journalists site which is now discontinued.

According to him pattern poetry is most suitable to enhance vocabulary, working memory and rhythmic intelligence of children across all school grades.
His trials at pyramid poetry use have been quite efficacious in teaching physics at middle school level at Plenum School in India. He has also incorporated it in the the micro-learning based designed learning sheet for physics instruction.