Keeping in view the National Education Policy-2020 the CBSE has decided to make a shift towards promoting competency based education (CBE) with emphasis on improvement of learning outcomes at the secondary and senior secondary school levels.
The purpose is to discourage rote learning and promote higher order thinking skills as key competencies 'to meet the challenges of the 21st century proactively.' from the coming academic session 2023-24.

Envisaged steps
The main steps by the CBSE are going to be as follows
Aligning assessment to CBE by 30%-40% questions based on competencies based on reasoning and assertion type questions
Development of exemplar resources for teachers and students on CBE pedagogy and assessment
Capacity building of teachers through in-service training programmes
The schools have been directed to follow the NEP-2022 by taking the following initiatives
Implementation of competency based instructional strategies
Adoption of learning outcomes in lesson planning
Incorporating CBE related pedagogies such as
-Experiential and joyful learning
-Sports integrated learning
-Art integrated learning
Topic literacy (vocabulary, glossary) and numeracy (mathematization of language of the subject) skills
Main implication
Here, it needs to mentioned that upgraded Bloom's Taxonomy is going to the bases of both instruction and assessment. The age-grade and subject-content (lesson) appropriate cognitive level as learning outcome would be stated to be achieved at mastery level through both teacher's and learner's effects.
It one goes by the intent and implications of the competency based education and proposed pedagogy in schools as being mandated by the NEP-2020, the levels of learning (text cum competency on monthly study/ learning unit stated with learning outcomes) with multiple intelligence methodology of learning as proposed by Howard Gardener could be the most suitable