Two abstracts of Dr Lalit Kishore of Jaipur accepted for the 18th Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology held at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam, on 14-17 October, 2008.

The titles of the abstracts were as follows
1. Reactions of parents to the intervention of monthly pedagogic exhibition of text-related puzzles, mazes, riddles and blank verses developed by students by students.
2. Literacy board games for school for school beginners improve their visual discrimination
According to Dr Lalit Kishore, teachers are required to be well versed with educational psychology and create interest in and motivation for learning which comes through the designed learning material and approach to learning - how and when of learning. "Devices like puzzles, riddles and board games enhance interest in learning for smooth transition to experiential and effective learning," he holds.
Citing references of these two papers is available on Google Scholar as follows.