In the tense trade-war scenario
Those who suffer the most are
Workers, women 'n children
Since it’s the rich and the powerful men
Who have waged new divisive class conflicts
Threatening the inner-n-international peace
Those who control power
They have become ruthless -
Hard-wired heartless money-minded bunch
By creating hype of extreme protectionism
It's the common people's money
That has been grabbed
'N now being plundered by
The rich and powerful
To become more rich
By waging trade war
'N making common people helpless sufferers
The consumerist-traders lobby
Now is out to grab power
Through divisive practices
By creating societal conflicts of
Class, creed, gender, culture, dress codes 'n nationality
Privatisation is being hard pushed
Digital economy is being forced upon -
Controlled by the rich -
It is being institutionalized through
Common people's money
That's being plundered
Though paid for governing well the social security system -
Welfare driven education, health and post-retirement cover
Trade war hype
Created by the rich-n-powerful is
To crush commoners-n-workers
To create a hopeless-n-helpless plight
Through recipient-provider relationships
By controlling-n-dehumanising everything -
By commoditizing everything -
Education, health, economy, media, work-life, social life
New crony breed of rulers -
Dehumanized trade-warriors -
Drunk with wealth
Have taken control to turn everything -
Including humans -
'N turned them into commodities