Action research is viewed as the process of study of an intervention, experience or action undertaken systematically and self-reflectively to improve practice and contribute to larger body of research knowledge about what succeeded in a given context and its implications for professional growth and movement towards 'better practice' and 'better practitioner' status.
In other words, action research is systematic collection of information (qualitative, visual, quantitative) through direct observation and by creating records and analyzing it to professional practice to effect the recipients your actions, functions and services positively through self-improvement.
Here are the sentence acrostics on ACTION RESEARCH to get deeper meaning of action research method.
A: Analyzing own actions
C:Critically and creatively through detached self-reflection
T:To meet the need of self-development through
I:Improved practice and professional competence by being
O:Objective, evidence-based, process-based for meeting the diverse and contextual
N:Needs of people being served
R:Researching through information and data of
E:Experimentation, designed interventions and focused innovations after needs analysis through
S:Study techniques such as qualitative research, before-and-after study designs, non-parametric
E:Exploration and investigation in the given context with quota sample in the form of
A:Appreciative and positive analysis to enhance own research
C:Competence by living the experience and implicating it for self and enhancing
H:Hind-sight through design thinking, lateral thinking, problem sovliving and other higher order thinking skills