Developed and experimented with in the fag-end of the 20th century by driving strength from studies in neuro-science and multiple intelligence, the precept of 'Whole Brain Education'(WBE) has found inroads in some well-meaning schools by creating day-wise mini-lessons (learning chunk) by mixing experiential learning and thinking skills along with information processing skills advocated by the digital information society.
In short, WBE is a blended model of active cognitive learning that incorporates non-art use of various art forms for right-hemispheric learning through a given learning episode.
Here, I describe WBE through minimal Haynaku (Japanese language art of six-word/ syllable pattern poetry that involves both sides of the brain) and writing it led to interaction between left and right hemisphere of my brain (pattern based linear logical thinking and musicality of the pattern poem). It has been found that WBE implementation requires teachers to trained in visual, verbal, motoring abilities along with handling the given content in multimodal communication skills.

ABCs of whole brain education
A: Accommodating model of active experiential learning that supports development of right and left hemispheres of the brain through prescribed content
B: Breaking up the content in mini-lessons for presentation in multi-sensory and multi-modal ways
C: Collaboration with learners for hyper-focused and variety-ful experiential activities as raw material for learning
D: Delivery of mini-lesson's subject matter with gestures and phonic soundness of the medium of instruction for entry into and recapitulation of learning
E: Evolving and constructing learning through multi-sensory and multi-modal experiences leading to making students self-learners using the