Observed on May 17 each year, World Hypertension Day, is meant to create awareness about Hypertension or high blood pressure and its symptoms and motivate people to ward off this silent killer by changing the life style.

The high blood pressure level of 140/90 or beyond causes hypertension. It has been found that that the blood pressure level over 180/120 can cause serious cardiovascular diseases and death. Hypertension is health condition and not a disease which has now become quite common in the younger population of people.
The following three are the causes of hypertension
· High-stress levels caused due to worldly success pursuits
· Obesity caused by junk food and lethargy
· Poor dietary habits
· Sedentary lifestyle of sensual pleasures
· Fast and competitive life style
· Lack of control on emotions
Unattended and prolonged hypertension lead to serious medical conditions such as
· Brain stroke
· Chronic kidney disease
· Heart failure
Spiritual therapy is worth trying
There have been studies that have linked hypertension with materialistic life style of patients with hypertension. It has been found that by improving the spiritual health and well being, hypertension can be reduced. Materialism causes spiritual distress and raises hypertension. Spiritual therapy interventions have been found effective with patients with high levels of hypertension. The Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) Intervention along with relaxation techniques has been tried by many therapists and hypertension clinicians successfully by changing the lifestyle of patients