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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

World Turtle Day: Information and phrasal-to-sentence poem for kids

Sponsored and coordinated by American Tortoise Rescue (ATR), the World Turtle Day is being observed each year on May 23 since 2000 with the objective of raising awareness and respect for turtles and tortoises as well as encouraging human action to help them survive and thrive, inform the organizers

Observance is social-media confined this year due to lock-down. Enthusiasts, otherwise would have dressed up as turtles and organized campaigns to save turtles. The schools would have taken up art and craft projects of teaching about turtles in classrooms.

Activities in various zoos are also organised on this day and children come to watch tortoises and turtles, and feed them.

Here is my phrasal-to-sentence poem for children with special needs

A turtle

A turtle with hard shell

A turtle with hard shell and soft belly

A turtle with hard shell and soft belly walks slow and steady

A turtle with hard shell, soft belly and webbed feet swims well

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