A non-poem on unschooling

Unschool society!
Deschool communities!!
Informalize education!!!
Let all learn freely
With widest choices
Matched to contexts-n-needs
With freedom-n- freewill
With freedom of pace
With freedom of style
With freedom to create-n-innovate
With freedom to construct, deconstruct ‘n reconstruct
In all possible ways
In altogether different ways -
To free education
From the clutches of formal-n- routinized rigmaroles
From the exploitation of institutionalized education
Make learning life-long process
Design learning intuitively
Mount learning expeditions
Move towards self-learning skills
Go for homeschooling
That’s inclusive-n-equitable
That supports humans' learning potentials
That respects diversity
That connects learners socially-n-emotionally -
Suggests John Holt