A simple way to detoxify body to heal and rejuvenate it
~Lalit Kishore
Do the following five things to detoxify your body.
First is to stop eating outside and say firm no to junk food being delivered both off-line and on-line
Second is to drink more water. Have a glass of warm water every two hours a day since It regulates body temperature, makes joints flexible, helps in digestion and hastens nutrient absorption. The intake water in a day should be three bottles at least.
Third is to refrain from sugar and salt intake and oily or processed food to avoid a fatty and sluggish liver. Have boiled and bland food but eat is slowly and chew it well.
Fourth is to go for once in week fasting or one-week a month single grain or single-pulse therapy to mitigate stomach ailment. Take boiled pigeon pea / juvar , wheat, moong, maze or other local grain in small bowl every two hours .
However, support the detoxifying process with 10 minutes ‘pranayam’ (breathing exercises’ or meditation in morning and evening to accelerate the healing process.
Note: The write-up of the blogger has been reproduced since the the citizen journalism site in which it earlier had appeared has been closed down