World Theatre Day 2024 is being observed on March 27 with the theme 'Theatre and a Culture of Peace' to emphasise the importance of theatre arts in field of entertainment, wellbeing, social change, economy and education. The concept of theatre in education is deemed as a component of the Art Integrated Learning being emphasized by the CBSE and the NCERT in India
According to Dr Lalit Kishore, reader's theatre has been used as a component of AIL for classroom pedagogy by innovative teachers as well as preachers for reading scriptures to the followers since it makes use of the spoken word art, body language, performing art and interpretation of text through parables, stories and examples.
He adds that AIL is an instructional strategy for classroom transaction of academic subjects both (a) through various art forms and (b) with the arts areas. In other words, AIL is the classroom experiential instructional method in which art forms becomes the medium of transacting the curriculum to enliven classroom including bringing in the elements of theatre in classroom instruction.
Reader's theater activities can be easily integrated with the content of any subject area as illustrated in the following sketchnote