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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

ABCs of education for enhancing spiritual intelligence with deep learning of disciplinary content

Many researchers and educators are subscribing for education to enhance social and emotional intelligence as precursors for creating learning community and learning environment for spiritual intelligence to be fostered and nurtured through deep disciplinary learning. (Read the inset visual)

Here are the ABCs of education for enhancing spiritual intelligence

A: Ability that is innate to know, understand and access higher order thinking faculties such as reflective thinking, intuitive thinking, discerning and existential thinking and self-less action to improve self and situation

B: Basing life and learning on mutually respectful, supportive, equitable and inclusive relationships (Social intelligence); understanding limitations and strengths with empathy, compassion, perseverance as essential positive psychology

C: Commitment to action learning, reflective experiential learning and self-learning to enhance existential, religious, moral, human values and holism

D: Development of self-awareness, cosmic awareness (larger connections), humility, ego-lessness, self-restraint, frugality, field independence (adversity seen as opportunity), adaptive decision making for inner and outer peace

E: Evolutionary processes and individualization adaptation of curricular processes to address the individual needs and creating readiness to get learning and potentials fostered and nurtured.

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