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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

ABCs of gender as socially constructed notion

In research literature related to social sciences, 'gender' as concept or notion is viewed as social construct that describes the roles, norms of behaviour, inter-relation and characteristics of women, men, girls and boys forced by the dominant social groups. The notion of varies from one societal group another with extremes of patricidal and matriarchal societies.

The notion pf gender can also change over time due to research, activism, education, training and social reforms.

Here are ABCs of 'Gender Notion' based on information collated by WHO [1] on 'gender and health'

ABC poem gender as social construct

A: Ascribing norms, behaviours, roles and relationships associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy by society's dominant group

B: Barriers, biases, restrictive and discriminatory behaviours often indulged by men and boys leading to lack of mobility; access to decision-making power; lower literacy rates; discriminatory attitudes of communities and healthcare providers towards females or gender inequity

C: Culturally and social ascribed roles or characteristics of males and females - women, men, girls, boys and people with diverse gender identities

D: Different from sex (concept based on biological and physiological characteristics of females, males and intersex persons) attributed to variations of chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs

E: Equality, equity and justice at the social level is adversely affected by social construct of gender

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