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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

About the CASTME Award Scheme

Based on the CASTME e-Newsletter, this information is being presented. However, one has to check up the updates about the award scheme from CASTME’s latest newsletter on their facebook.

This information is being posted to encourage teachers and researchers to enter the award scheme and share their innovations and researches in STEM education.

I have participated in the scheme umpteen times and won the award several times including the Findel-CASTME Education Award for the year 2018.

The Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME) Awards are offered for educational projects, which address the social or human context of science, technology and mathematics.

“Anyone involved in any form of education in the widest senses, formal or informal, within societies can enter, Secondary or tertiary education project a year as an individual or as a group,” informs the CASTME Newsletter of 2016.

The newsletter adds that submitted reports on Projects may be hand-written or type-set in English and up to 10,000 words in length. They should be received before 31 March.

The entries are judged by a panel based on relevant criteria such as:

• Contributions to society

• Clarity of project report

• CASTME category relevance such as: Gender; improving literacy; increasing awareness of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

• Providing references to all sources of information

The submitted reports should be based on:

· Personal experience

· Substantial account of teaching or other educational work

Judging is based on evidence of the following aspects

· Originality and creativity

· Use in practice

· Social relevance of the project

· Standards of presentation

· Organisation

· Structure of the project

Further, CASTME proudly displays projects at conferences and events around the world and cannot return any of the submissions and reserves the right to publish entries in part or full in their journals or associated publications.

(Clipping in inset pic is the news about the award winner for 2018)

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