In India, English has the official status of one of the many regional languages and is being increasingly used as the language of wider communication and higher studies in the country and abroad by students. In many states of India, now English is being taught right from grade one in government schools. In rural and tribal areas, besides the home language or local dialect and regional language (Language-1 oe L1) as the school language (Language-2 oe L2), English being treated as a third language (Language-3 oe L3).
Drawing strength from psycholinguistic research on third language acquisition and multilingualism, which suggest transitional courses of one or two months, an action research was undertaken in vertically grouped single teacher uni-sex schools to improve proficiency in learning English as third language in rural area of Rajasthan in India.
The abstract of the action research paper of Jaipur based educator and researcher was for an international condolence on "English from Classes to Masses" held in 2014 in Jaipur city.
