An 'Antonym Diamante Poem' - a seven line diamond-shaped - begins and ends with single words that form the top and bottom of shape poem. In the antonym form of poem, the top and bottom words will have the opposite meaning.
In writing an Antonym Diamante Poem, the first step is to think of two nouns that have opposite meanings and write them as the first and the seventh line
Antonym Diamante Poems Follow a Specific scheme as follows
Line 1: Noun
Line 2: Two adjectives that describe the noun in the first line
Line 3: Three verbs that end with “ing” and describe the noun in the first line
Line 4: Four nouns—the first two must relate to the noun in the first line and the second two to the antonym noun in the last line
Line 5: Three verbs that end with “ing" and describe the antonym noun
Line 6: Two adjectives that describe the antonym noun
Line 7: Noun that is opposite in meaning to line one or antonym
For language poems, single 16 words are used. However, for various disciplines, due to limited vocabulary, adapted Antonym Diamante Poems created with phrases - Phrasal nouns, Phrasal adjectives and Phrasal verbs as defined below
Phrasal nouns combine a noun and a preposition, either before or after the noun, which are also called nominalized phrasal verbs
Phrasal adjectives consist of two or more words that modifies a noun connected by a hyphen.
Phrasal verbs are idiomatic phrases consisting of a verb and another element such as an adverb, or a preposition, or a combination of both
Furthermore, since academic subjects, antonyms are few, the comparison or contrast diamante poems are written with four nouns in the central lines replaced a statement of comparison or contrast as given below
Also, academic phrasal diamante poems can be used for transition from one topic to another topic
