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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Are front-line warriors disarmed and vulnerable with lost war on surging pandemic ! ...A Non-Poem

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

We have almost lost

The war on the coronavirus epidemic!

Unethical polity

Weak infrastructural support

Greedy private players

Poverty and job-losses

Ponzi schemes -

All these are sabotaging the war

Making the virus to win

All the chances

To turnaround

To stem the onslaught

During the first year of fight

By creating robust infra-structure

By putting honest governance in place

By expanding healthcare facilities

To win the war

Have fallen flat

The warriors


With non-existent back-up support

With poor supply-line

Have started throwing their hands-up

To surrender to mighty invisible enemy

The next devastation -

Virus will eliminate front-line warriors

To celebrate victory on corpse of weak and venerable –

Sixty percent of world population

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