A notable new feature of public life in India is the colonization of agriculture and farmers' produce by legalizing the entry of corporate sector in buying, hoarding and selling the agricultural produce as well as entry into the contract and lease-based agriculture work.

Looking at the way the new farm bills were introduced through presidential 'ordinance' and bulldozed through in the parliament to become Acts during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis period, deeming the new farm bills as 'anti-farmers' and 'pro-corporate', the world's biggest and most organized and peaceful peasant uprising is being witnessed in India from the last three months which has won support from the UN and various countries as an exercise of democratic and human right to peaceful protect and registering resentment.

Meanwhile, with the government and protesting farmers being in a deadlock situation, in some states, in which land was given to the corporate houses to stock the agricultural produce, infrastructural and organizational activities are being carried out under civil and private protection as shown in some social media reports. It being accused by social and human rights activists that the rulers are acting as puppets manipulated by the corporate houses.