Art integrated learning projects benefit teachers and students both at thinking and feeling levels: Case of Plenum School
The art-integrated intervention of physics learning by this blogger for academic purposes resulted into recognition of his work as an accepted as a form of art by art groups as well as appreciation at the conference of Global Education Research Association (GERA) held in January 2022.
The advocates of multiple intelligence based learning, experiential learning and art Integrated Learning have been urging that the disciplinary learning of various school subjects is needed to be embedded with art.
According to the CBSE, art-integrated learning should be taken up group-project involving 4-5 students, It adds, “The Project should be done by students in groups with 4-5 students in each group. While creating projects, it may also be seen that it should not be too much pro art that it becomes difficult for the subject teacher to take it forward and guide the students. The projects should be simple and doable for the subject teachers and students without the assistance of art teachers/artists or others.
However, when an art-integrated learning project is done in collaboration with an art teacher for initial guidance, the work gets reasonably good. It the project is linked with action research and the product is decorated well with the principles art and aesthetics, it can win recognition from both the academic and art circles.

This became evident when art-integrated learning project was undertaken y Dr Lalit KIshore, Umang Darnal at Plenum School in Himachal Pradesh, it was coveted into a research paper which got accepted for an international conference and as well as was approved as an art form from the professional art groups such as the Art House and Art, poetry and Literature Group.
Furthermore, Doodle art site lists work of Dr Inshore for his contribution the non-art use of art. The site “Batman Doodle Art - ฟรีวิดีโอออนไลน์ - ดูทีวีออนไลน์ - คลิปวิดีโอฟรี “ has listed the work of Dr Lalit Kishore, educator and researcher at Disha in Jaipur, who has used doodle art as an art form for self-development as well as its use as a therapy to improve attentiveness, fine motor developmental activity, eye-hand coordination skills and hand writing imrovement tool for children with special needs.
A special mention has been made of the short video of Kishore titled “Doodle art for a beginner ” which has been viewed by more than 20K viewers.