The article on musical intelligence "A SKETCH NOTE ON USE OF MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE AS A PEDAGOGICAL TOOL BY TEACHERS" by Jaipur based educator and researcher Dr Lalit Kishore, earlier published in slideshare, has been picked up by India Documents (Visit Link) for further dissemination.

The transcript of the write-up goes as follows:
Psychologist Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligence in the 1990s and identified eight areas which can be used as media to teach and learn any subject matter. Musical – Rhythmical Intelligence is one of them.Music-smart students seem to recognize patterns, rhythms and music in almost everything they hear.
Teachers can help these students to become peer tutors in group learning situations to create poems or songs for the topic they are studying. By putting the information into a rhythm, it will become interesting and aesthetic; and students will be more likely able to remember it. Make students to explore different genres of pattern poetry as they create their poems.
Demystify writing of simple rap lyrics which make use of slant rhyming words and rhythm to make a transition towards musical speech or musicality to tendering the subject matter. Simple music and vocal musicality can be integrated into almost every subject area in a classroom to allow those with musical intelligence to learn best and others to sharpen their musical intelligence and remember the subject matter.
Some of the activities that can be done are: exploring music with common household objects; playing music games, playing listening bingo games; creating music with simple instruments like rhythm sticks or tapping surfaces; reciting together the familiar words or new words with clapping patterns; transitioning from one activity to another with singing of word clusters.
Adding movements to songs can also engage motor skills, further developing children's abilities to use music to express themselves with new vocabulary.Writing pattern poetry like haiku, cinquain, and lantern poetry or rap songs can make revision and remembering interesting.