An article by Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr published on Merinews.com on 28 December, 2015, titled "Scientists seem to be at the threshold of a 'second genesis', it's a matter of wait and watch" [1] has been included as a reference resource by the Harvard University's Church Lab that's a part of its Medical School & Wyss Institute.
The Program in Medical Education (PME) at Harvard Medical School is the organizational structure housing the educational programs leading to the MD degree and it has a rich resource support for bio-medical research and keeps on collecting reference material from various sources.
Authored by CJ Dr Lalit Kishore, who is currently working as research fellow with Jaipur-based Disha-Foundation, wrote in his article, "Scientists seem sure that a second genesis wouldn't just broaden our view of life but the alternative life forms could supply bio-technologists with fresh molecules and new functions that they could apply to practical problems."
Mentioning about the work done in Harvard University, Kishore had added, "The finishing line could be in sight after geneticists Professor George Church and Dr Michael Jewett of Harvard Medical School, informed a synthetic biology conference in Hong Kong some years ago that they had synthetically created part of a cell, called a ribosome. The periodical of New Scientist reported that the breakthrough offers hope that they could develop an entire cell."
It has also been reported that some other teams, seek to redesign a living system from first principles. If successful, they would provide an entirely new form of life unlike any that exists today. But one which would raise novel ethical and safety issues, producing synthetic life would be an achievement comparable to finding alien life on other planets, he had further said.
Author: Dr. Lalit Kishore
Date: 07 March, 2017
Categories: World,Others