Teaching English through phonics method with teacher-made rhymes helps both the teacher and the child to develop their phonological awareness skills. Also, creating a transitional learning material as primer of phonetic alphabet helps children to become good listeners, speakers and later good readers.
In linguistics, the phonological awareness pertains to individual's awareness of the phonological structure of sounds and their relationship to speech organs, which should be deliberately developed by the teacher.
Examples of Phonetics Alphabet Rhymes for /b/ and /ch/ sounds
Bravo! Bravo! Brave boy
Bravo! Bravo! Blue-eyed boy
Brave boys bounce the ball
Big boy’s balloon is small
All these begin with /b/ sound
/b/-/b/-/b/ as in Bravo
Words for picture cards: Ball; Balloon; Boy; Blue
Charlie is a charming child
Charlie sits on chair to chat
Charlie chews cheese to cherish
Charlie chases chicks with a bat
Words for picture cards: Child; Chair; Chick
Learning activities
Three stage rhyme recitation activity
Flash card activity for sight vocabulary
Matching sheet (Picture to picture; Word to Word; Word to picture)
Successive drawing sheet
Board game activity with ticking sheet
Housie game