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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Being a true teacher: Non-poem

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

Being a true teacher:


To be a true teacher

Free yourself from systems!

Free yourself from methods!

All methods-n-systems condition

All processes mechanize mind

All ideals-n-visions have forced expected end

Through gimmicks-n-'game plans'

Freedom is first-n-foremost

It create alertness-n-eagerness

It creates joy of learning

Freedom is for educand-n-educator both

But has to be in the beginning

To make teaching your vocation

Get into the state of continual learnership

By making learning happen

That's biggest inner joy

Created through continual learning-n-renewal

Teacher must never look for



Teacher must deem -

Learning as

A state of being !

Making learning an ultimate accomplishment

Felt within

Makes one true teacher

Keep on experimenting

Carry out innovations

Both in social pedagogy

And transformational pedagogy

To make learning happen

As a divine virtue

For its own worth

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