According to the noted thinker, philosopher and seer J Krishnamurti, ‘becoming’ is endless time-thought and conflict, while being is state of ‘nothingness’ characterized by ending of psyche as ‘time-thought’ creating all kinds of illusions and sorrow. He says, “All one's education, all one's past experience and knowledge is a movement in becoming; both inwardly, psychologically, as well as outwardly. Becoming is the accumulation of memory... More and more and more memories, which is called knowledge... Now, as long as that movement exists there is fear of being nothing.”
He adds, “But when one really sees the insight of the fallacy, the illusion of becoming something, therefore that very perception, that insight to see there is nothing, this becoming is endless time-thought and conflict, there is an ending of that. That is, the ending of the movement which is the psyche, which is time-thought.”
Here are some haiku written on state of ‘being’ as I have gathered after reading
World and mind as such
Are trapped in 'becoming trend'
Recklessly in-n-out
Our worldly knowledge -
Accumulated memory
Urges to 'become'
Becoming brings strife -
Rivalry, conflicts, ego -
Becoming deludes!
Better learn to 'be'
Learn to sense self as 'nothing' -
Nothingness frees us
Here is a famous quote of J Krishnamurti to contemplate: “Nothing means the entire world of compassion — compassion is nothing. And, therefore, that nothingness is supreme intelligence. That’s all there is. So, why are human beings — just ordinary, intelligent — frightened of being nothing?”