There exist evidences that non-competitive bingo phonic and sight words mini-games with protocol benefit children with dysgraphia and dyslexia for enhancing reading literacy and cognitive skills.
It has been found that children love interactive phonic and sight-word bingo games. However, for children with dysgraphia and dyslexia adapted and protocol-driven bingo board games for sight vocabulary with lesser cognitive load, proper proximics, ergonomically modified board and procedure-bound play can benefit a lot the children with learning disability.
Here, a collage with interactive bingo game has been depicted. Much can be understood with collage reading.

However, some specifications for standardization are given below.
Proximics: One-on-one; teacher sitting by side of child with elbow distance; one-to-one interaction
Ergonomics: Slant board with 3X3 grid
Cognitive load adjustment: 3 words at a time
Multi-modality: Letter sounds, visual symbols, word-spelling
Protocol (Broad process): Demonstration > Guided play > Independent play > deep learning practice