"During the month of April and all year round, it is critical to take the time to read on your own or with your children. It is a time to celebrate the importance of reading, foster children's growth as readers and promote a lifelong love of literature and integration into the world of work," states UNESCO as coordinator of World Book and Copyright Day (April 23).
UNESCO has challenged the participants 'to explore new topics, formats, or genres ' with the aim 'to help engage all communities of readers, individuals and institutions' in reading.
As an individual, I organised and reading session with children (see inset picture) and created a word puzzle to enhance my vocabulary on 'reading skills' which goes as follows.
Word Puzzle on Reading Skill related vocabulary for language teacher
Use the clues to fill in the words in the puzzle. Words can go across or down. Letters are shared when the words intersect.

ACROSS 7. Words that sound the same but are spelled differently, e.g., cents/sense, knight/night 8. The smallest unit of sound within a language system that combines with other phonemes to make words 10. Finding meaning in the piece read to think deeply about it through content analysis 11. Reading with expression, intonation, and chunking or phrasing for bettering receptive language or language that is heard 13. understanding and interpretation of what is read 14. A letter or letter combination up to four that spells a phoneme, e.g., e, ei, igh, eigh 15. Ability to read text quickly, accurately, and with proper expression 17. It refers to prior knowledge, the knowledge and experience that readers bring to the text. DOWN 1. A phrase or expression that has unique meaning which differs from the literal meaning of the words, e.g., it’s raining cats and dogs 2. It refers to all of the words of a language or those one must know words to communicate effectively 3. The study of the relationships between letters and the sounds they represent to hone sound-symbol correspondences 4. group of two consecutive letters whose phonetic value is a single sound, e.g., /ea/ in read; /ch/ in chat; /ng/ in king 5. Words that may or may not be spelled alike but are pronounced the same, e.g., ate and eight 6. The process breaking words into manageable parts with slight pauses to build fluency 9. Demonstration of a strategy, skill, or concept to facilitate learning including reading-to-learn skill 12. A word segment that contains one vowel sound in which the vowel may or may not be preceded and/or followed by a consonant 16. The vowel sound sometimes heard in an unstressed syllable which most often sounded as /uh/ or as the short /u/ sound as in cup
Word List