International community comes together on April 2 each year to observe Autism Awareness Day by lighting up landmarks with blue in recognition of people with autism along with highlighting the need for love and support for them.
Attentiveness training affects both stability of eye gaze and level of interaction by the child with autism and the teacher / care giver / service provider. Once this has been achieved then children with autism become reasonable visual learners.
Making simple dynamic paper toys with the child through material manipulation and helping the child through assisted play has been found to be reasonably motivating and creative approach to get the following benefits.
· Enhanced attentiveness
· Building of early communication skills
· Better socialisation and bonding
· Improved sensory processing
· Weaning away from the present repetitive behaviour
It has been seen that use of materials, objects, visuals and pictures to communicate and interact through structured experience reduces anxiety. Self-made toys make the child to pass through a process of attention focussing; sustaining attention through play practice and shifting of attention with a new toy.
Look at the inset collage and do the visual analysis of the frames by looking and labelling the expressions on the faces of the interventionist and the child, The interventionist is the mother of the child.