The news about Findel-CASTME Award 2018 to life member of IPA, working with Disha –
A Centre for Multiple Disabilities was flashed at "醫院診所網路醫療資訊站 - 關於 castme ,我們在網路上蒐集到這些 [1] (mediatagtw.com https://medicalcenter.mediatagtw.com)
Commonwealth CASTME Award Scheme and winners get wider visibility through social media, reports HT Syndication [2] from Merinews Online News
Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME) in partnership with Findel International has put the news release regarding the award winners of Findel-CASTME Award scheme on their Facebook for wider visibility of the winners and the for larger participation in the award scheme. The top award winner for 2018 is an Indian entrant Dr Lalit Kishore, Senior Research Fellow at Disha in Jaipur, whose work on language of mathematics has been honoured.
Under CASTME Award Scheme, 'awards are offered for educational projects, which address the social or human context of science, technology and mathematics. Anyone involved in any form of education in the widest senses, formal or informal or societies and communities, can enter the award scheme for innovative projects in STEM education
[2] https://www.htsyndication.com › merinews › article › co...