The Association of Science Education (ASE) Annual Conference was conducted online from 6th to 9th January 2021. On the opening day, there was the International Day and Technicians Day along with announcement, as per the Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology, Mathematics Educators (CASTME), of the three Findel-CASTME Awards.

The sessions and panel discussions on Thursday 7th, Friday 8th and Saturday 9th January were organized alongside a variety of offerings from exhibitors and school science resource suppliers.
The sessions were not pre-bookable and delegates were admitted to Zoom rooms on a first-come, first-served basis maximum capacity, 300 participants per Meeting and over 300 for Webinars. However, all panel sessions and keynotes were recorded and made viewable for all delegates within 24 hours of the live session.
Also, the recordings were made available until Sunday 10th January 2021 for those who purchased day delegate tickets and until Sunday 31st January 2021 for those who purchased a full conference pass as per the conference organizers.
Here is information released by the CASTME[1] regarding awards
1. The Findel CASTME Education Award
Entry: Laboratory and Science Museum
Submitted by: Sarath Premawardana, Panadura-Sri Lanka
Feedback: I am very happy and delighted to receive the Findel CASTME Education Award. It is a great prestige and encouragement for me to continue improving my Science Laboratory and Science Museum. I am happy to inform you that I have continued to develop the laboratory and museum and this award will help me to improve it further. I expect that it will help many more students and teachers in future to broaden their knowledge and skills.
I take this opportunity to once again thank the CASTME Trustees for awarding me with this award.
2. The Findel CASTME Award / 1
Entry: Popularising Science and Technology among Children for self-reliance. CHILDREN-IN-SCIENCE& TECHNOLOGY (CIST)
Submitted by: Director-Professor Ibiyinka Ogunlade, Ekita State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Feedback: I receive with great joy the news of FINDEL CASTME Award to CIST. We are particularly encouraged. We pledge to put in more zeal in making our children and society at large, scientifically and technologically literate. Thank you so much for the great news!
3. The Findel CASTME Award / 2

Entry: Middle School Science to Spin, Swirl and Sway for Self-Development of Science Educator as Action Researcher and Learner-Teacher.
Submitted by: Dr Lalit Kishore, Disha Foundation, Nirman Nagar, Jaipur, India
Feedback: Thank you for your communication and we at Disha were delighted to know the recognition to our work by CASTME. The award will inspire us to innovate and individualize science and math instruction.