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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Contextually designed & used communication serves better differently abled: Dr Lalit Kishore

On the occasion of the World Disability Day (Dec 3), Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Rajasthan organised the 2nd Edition of International Conference on Disability & Rehabilitation on 3-4 December 2020 over virtual platform.

The coference was hosted by 'Disha: A Resource Centre for Multiple Disabilities' with the CRE (Rehabilitation Council of India) status. The mission of Disha is to contribute to the creation of a society which provides equal opportunity to persons with disability, to help live with dignity and realize their maximum potential, and for the achievement of this goal to develop an institute of excellence which empowers them and encourages institution building for such person and their families.

Dr Lalit Kishore, educator and was invited as a keynote speaker on “Role of visual, signing and phonic literacies for effective communication and individualization of instruction for children with learning disabilities ” on December 4, 2020.

Dr Kishore was of the view that appropriately designed communication when adapted and adjusted or contextually designed and used, was helpful to people with disability to get accommodated or included equitably to the physical and social aspects of learning and life.  

"Since children are diverse and differently or differentiably abled, they have diverse styles of learning. Communication through signing and visual codes or the beginning or foundation for meaningful communication at non-verbal should be carefully laid," he added.

He stated, "Of late, neuro-science, brain-imaging techniques, nano-technology and artificial intelligence based digital devices, have provided new insights in bio-communication which exemplifies sign-mediated interactions in and between organisms. These insights have implications about the entry level of  communication with each child after diagnosis since bio-communication levels are diverse."

The host organization's Executive Director, Rainu Singh, gave the feedback thus: "Your outstanding participation in this conference was up to the mark and we are highly grateful to you for your treasured contribution. The discussion was thoroughly enlightening and informative for the listeners. Thank you so much for making the session fruitful and prolific."

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