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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

COVID Conspiracy and Hoax Theory Argument: Non-Poem for Discussion

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

The system is ailing

The system has been broken down -

How can the sick system

Provide cure and treatment

Against not fully known dreadful Novel Virus!

The ill-management

The lack of treatment facilities in hospitals

The unavailability of life support systems -

The sponsored research

About efficacy of vaccine -

Deliberate commercialization

Of health services -

The lack of information

About the novel corona virus-

All this is being allowed

After one year of the pandemic

There are some sinister designs

Behind the continuity

Of spread of the pandemic

And blaming people

For getting virus out of hands

The powerful actors

Are deliberately creating fear

By blaming public

By imposing lock-downs

By tightening repressive controls

Instead up matching up the services

On war footings

To provide treatment and relief

To build hope

To build prospect of betterment

On the other hand

The blame game has been hyped

The panic is being created systematically

Something sinister is being plotted

By the powerful

To make virus-spread

A tool to tighten the oppressive grip

On people

On resources

Instead of ramping up

The health system

With sensitivity and service zeal

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