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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Create content based video micro-moments to enliven on-line teaching

These days with availability of good smartphone cameras and real time on-line communication being the new norm; micro-videos or mobile mini-videos are becoming common. For online teaching and learning with recorded and replayed micro-moment are needed to be made use of by teachers and educators.

A micro-video can be made through (1) direct video of a short action or event; (2) recording of successive drawing and continuous image capture option; or creating GIFs with action freeze pics or time lapse pics.

Here is a micro video of few seconds, in which pigeons feeding on grains have been shown with two sentences, each lasting for about 10 seconds.

Such micro info-video with a single action can be used for entry to on-line lessons.

These days, the micro-moment videos are being more used for advertisement on mobile and personal entertainment. However, the teachers, educators and instructors can easily make micro-moment videos related to various topics to enliven on-line teaching.

Video micro-moments for on-line teaching are called "I want-to-know moments" in which students wish to learn something or when they wish to know the step-by-step instructions on how to make or do something.

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