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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Create paper toys to talk science to kids: Educator Dr Kishore

"In this age of science and technology, it becomes an obligation on the part of teachers right from foundation education to talk about science involved in play activity. Purpose is not teach science but develop vocabulary and reasoning at this stage. Scientific literacy is needed to be combined with general literacy," stated Jaipur based educator-researcher Dr Lalit Kishore, whose write-up "Talking points in a paper-folding, toy making and playing exercise" has been published in CASTME e-Newsletter [1].

The write-up goes as follows

An activity with a five-year child by the caregiver that involved paper folding and cutting which provided a pair of flappable rabbit ears. A video was made – of which a snapshot is shown here.

The activity not only resulted in enhanced attentiveness, fine-motor development and use of scissors as a low-level technology tool and its handling with pincer grasp, but it also became the talking point

to build some science vocabulary too. This is an example of an activity to motivate caregivers at home to do some paper folding activity and making a talking point for

scientific-technological literacy since the child finds a lot of technological devices at home.

The talking points in this activity, were as follows:

• Pull, push, force
• Movement, motion
• In-and-out, to-and-fro
• Inward, outward

The purpose was to make use of hands-on experience to link with see-and-speak or look-and-name methods to build the vocabulary related to science and technology which has become common in daily lives at home.


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