Create reading material for phonetically sound language development in early childhood education and children with learning disabilities
One may be surprised to know that the letter 'a' / 'A' of English alphabet has seven different sounds as illustrated in the following clusters of words: 1. Apple-Act-Jack; 2. Alms-Arm-Car; 3. About-Around-Zebra; 4. Ball-Law-Saw; 5. Able-Ate-Table; 6.Late-Private-State; 7. Share-Care-Air. Hence, for children who are learning English as a third language or children with special needs, the phonic method is recommended.
In the phonic method, the children are taught phonemes by the specially trained teachers or those trained in speech therapy. Over the years, for children who are verbal learners and proficient in in their mother tongue and children with learning disabilities with normal intelligence are taught through phonic method by a single trained teacher or method master.
Many research studies done in the last two decades reveal that structured phonics instruction lead to better language development for students in kindergarten through primary education as well as for children having difficulty learning to read and write. Listen and speaking with proper pronunciation with speech training is helpful for such students.
Special textbooks are created for phonic method since the method relies on the following learning devices such as phonics and word-recognition exercises , shared reading and guided reading that is phonetically adequate.
Here is a for children of right age learning English through phonic method.
Phonic poem for a beginner
Learn English through phonic alphabet
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo
Begin with A, B, C, D, E alphabet
And begin with E, G, H, I, J
Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet
Likewise, you must remember
Kilo, Lima, Mike, November
Similarly, you must know
Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango
Also, speak like this in Honolulu
Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Yankee, Zulu