Deschooling precept of Ivan Illich: A non-poem

Institutionalized education
Private education
Corporatized education
Are all out
To commodify education
As goods and services
To colonize human mind
To turn educand
Into a dehumanized consumer
Of education as a commodity
Educational institutions
Through their gimmicks
Lead to educational nemesis
With mechanically alphabetized mind
That is cleverly created
Through edutainment
Through commutainment
Through conveniences
Through comforts
Through sensual pleasures
Through instinctive gratifications
The rich and dominant groups
Are creating more-n-more institutions
For creating demands and needs
For commoditised education
'N control clients' need-satisfaction
Thro' fleecing and profit-making
Says Ivan Illich that
So called modern institutionalized education -
Which is essentially exploitative -
Turns education, human beings, their creativity
Into marketable commodities
Institutionalized education
Contributes to dehumanization
By killing convivial relationships
By marketing learning as a commodity
‘Whose production they monopolize',
'Whose distribution they restrict',
‘And whose price they raise beyond the purse of ordinary people'
Deschool society
Make learning a societal process
Create individual that care, share and reform society