The Findel CASTME Awards (2020) instituted by the Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME) for educational projects, which address the social or human context of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), have been awarded to Dr Lalit Kishore (India), Sarath Premawardana (Sri Lanka) and Prof Ibiyinka Ogunlade (Nigeria).
Dr Kishore has been chosen for the award for his entry "Middle School Science to Spin, Swirl and Sway for Self-Development of Science Educator as Action Researcher and Learner-Teacher" sumitted through Disha Foundation, Nirman Nagar, Jaipur, India.
"I am delighted that you have been awarded CASTME Community and Education Awards recently and it is with great pleasure that I invite you all to attend our annual conference online on Wednesday 6th January, in order to receive your awards on our International day. Nearer the time, I will send you Zoom links in order for you each to have access to all session on the day. The awards will take place during the International Day Presidential Plenary at 17:30 hrs UK timezone. The Conference begins at 0945 UK timezone, when you will be most welcome to join in the sessions," informed Angela Buckland, Conference & Events Manager, Association for Science Education that promotes 'Excellence in Science Teaching and Learning'.
Association of Science Education while extending best wishes and congratulations to three Commonwealth Award winners - Lalit, Yinka and Sareth - invited them to join the conference online ASE Annual Conference 2021 being held from 06 January to 09 January 2021.

The four-day Annual Conference of the ASE in January 2021 is entering the online space for the first time as the largest professional development event in the world with its headquarters at College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, United Kingdom.