An article published in Merinews by Dr. Lalit Kishore[1], who is currently working as senior research fellow with Disha Foundation in Jaipur, ex-Assistant Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, has been included in the course-ware / syllabus of Social Work (revised) course is run by the Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary - a public research university located at Calgary city of Alberta State in Canada.
The article "Understanding relationship among empowerment, equality and equity" has been chosen to be the reading and discussion material.
"It has become exceedingly clear that empowerment, equality and equity are inter-linked. And, to understand the linkage, the concept of empowerment is needed to be seen in relation to all dimensions of inequality and discrimination that exist in the families, communities and organizations," states the author of the article.
"Equity is often seen as the process of being fair to women and men. In the developmental sector, to ensure fairness, measures must be taken compensate for historical and social disadvantages that prevent people to operating on a level playing field. On the other hand, equality is seen as equal opportunity and nights for all. Some researchers say that equity leads to equality, while others observe that equality as equal rights and entitlements leads to outcomes which are fair and just," he adds.
The article describes the relationship between three factors in the form of an ABC poem:
A: Acquiring knowledge and understanding of social and gender relations and the ways in which these relations may be changed /
B: Becoming confident through networks and gaining a voice in decision-making /
C: Creating more just social and economic order /
D: Developing a sense of self-worth, a belief in one's ability to secure desired changes and the right to control one's life /
E: Equal rights and entitlements to human, social, economic, and cultural development.
The University of Calgary, reportedly composed of 14 faculties and over 85 research institutes and centers which has been ranked high in the QS World Universities Ranking, offers 250 programs in post-secondary education awarding bachelors, masters, and doctorate (PhD) degrees.