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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Dr Kishore’s Work on Language Learning Picked Up by United States Documents for Dissemination

The work of Jaipur based educator and researcher Dr Lalit Kishore "VOCABULARY BUILDING WITH CHANT RHYMES AND ACTION RESEARCH" has been picked up by by United States Documents[1] for Dissemination which can be visited at the link at the end of this write up.

The abstract of Dr Kishore's work is as follows

Many educators hold now that conventional English rhymes are culturally, cognitively and pedagogically unsound for Indian students. Keeping this in view, a pedagogical experiment was undertaken in the form an intervention as school-based innovation.

Ten chant rhymes of five lines each were developed to be transacted in 10 working days with 40-minute class session each day to build the sight vocabulary before introducing the textbook.

The intervention worked as a readiness course for the school beginners. The outcomes of the intervention were the availability of validated learning material for readiness to work with the prescribed textbook and in-house experience of developing an intervention a pedagogical experiment systematically.

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