Expressing their delight for sponsoring CASTME awards, Findel company stated, “The 2020 awardees were announced at the 2021 ASE Annual Conference by Sir John Holman, emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of York and president of the Association for Science Education.” The awardeees were Sarath Premawardana (Sri Lanka), Professor Ibiyinka Ogunlade (Kenya) and Dr Lalit Kishore (India)

Read to find out more at [1] for the awards for 2020 . “Established in 1974, the CASTME Awards run by CASTME, are focussed on highlighting educational projects from across the Commonwealth and have two different awards available. The Findel CASTME Education Award is presented to the entry that displays an innovative approach to increasing STEM awareness while the two CASTME Community Awards are presented to two community projects focussed on mothers, carers and the community and STEM education, informs the communiqué published on 26-01-2021 in International Schools section of the blog title “Introducing the 2020 CASTME Awards recipients”
One of the recipients of the award was Dr Kishore of the DISHA Foundation, based in Jaipur, India, for their project “Making Middle School Science to Spin, Swirl and Sway for Self-Development of Science Education as Action Researcher and Learner-Teacher.” It was mentioned. “The DISHA Foundation, a centre for special education, was created to provide an opportunity to children with physical and intellectual challenges to help them discover their potential. In particular, their project submission shows that at middle school level, a lot of hands-on science can be done with readily available materials to give a first hand feel of science processes.”