Dual coding technique training human mind to process information by combining text codes in language arts and visual codes
ABCs of dual code code technique of information processing and content analysis
A: Analysis of content through visual research and linking to key textual words and phrases
B: Building active content knowledge for decoding through visual imagery and relinking it with key text codes
C: Combining visual and verbal oe text codes to improve memory and learning with understanding
D: Decoding content through visual imagery and then linking it the literacy skills such as vocabulary building and its retention to link it further learning
E: Effective and efficient cognitive learning through deconstruction and reconstruction og knowledge as dual code sketch notes
Here is an example of the dual code sketch note on link between social pedagogy and spirituality for reading and understanding the concept..

The reference link of the sketch note is as follows.
Kishore, L. (2024). Sketch note on spiritual dimension of social pedagogy and haiku, Retrived from