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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Dubai to host International Media Research Conference 2021

The Manipal International Media Research Conference for the year 2021 is going to be held in DUBAI on the theme “Reimagining the Media & Entertainment Landscape during Coronavirus Pandemic” on the 18th February, 2021.

“The objective of our first digital conference is to understand and discuss the structural change in the media and entertainment industry, brought about by the pandemic, its manifestations and how it has impacted production (creation), distribution, exhibition and importantly altering the experiences of creators and audiences. The theme would be of particular interest to scholars who keenly watch and study epochal change in the media and entertainment industry, those who want to understand new workflows, changing nature of work, practice, and process by which content is produced and media services rendered. The conference will explore and discuss the emergence of a new paradigm that could well be the next era for the media and entertainment industry and importantly how it will be looked at and studied by the academia,” inform the organizers of the event.

According to the concept note of the conference, “The coronavirus pandemic in its aftermath has brought about a structural change in the media and entertainment industry. The biggest impact of the outbreak was economic, resulting in millions of job losses and closing of businesses worldwide. All forms of media and entertainment and its public exhibition have come to a halt, even if momentarily. Many newspapers have been forced to shut down their newsprint production while many turned to television channels, events wear a deserted look, and the curtains are drawn at the cinemas. Advertising revenues have shrunk, and media organizations are asking readers to pay...Not just the media and entertainment sector, the public relations industry, and events, have been affected severely.”

Various Sub Themes of the conference are:

  • · Reporting and Journalism During the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • · Misinformation and Disinformation During the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • · Emergence of Streaming as the new Exhibition Industry

  • · Change in Viewing Experiences of Audiences

  • · New Workflows in the Media and Entertainment Industry: Cinema, Television, Newspaper,

  • · Radio, Animation, VFX, Event, etc.

  • · Memes and the Pandemic

  • · Audience perception towards change in the media landscape

  • · Events and Public Entertainment During the Pandemic

  • · Social Media and the rise of Fake news during the Pandemic

  • · The impact of Advertising Revenues on Media Sector

  • · Rise of Radio and Podcasting During the Pandemic

  • · Film Industry and its New Adaptations to the Pandemic

  • · Media convergence and its impact

  • · Sport and spectatorship during Pandemic

  • · Media subscription battle during Pandemic

  • · Ethical challenges in media during Pandemic Times

  • · Emergence and sustenance of Alternative Media in Pandemic Times

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