"A physics teacher can enliven physics instruction by creating GIFs for animated diagrams and explaining various concepts visually and successively since it can create simple animation effects in static depictions found in the textbooks," stated Jaipur based educator and researcher at Disha Foundation whose paper's abstract has been published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation on 9 and 10 December, 2021, at Alpha Arts and Science College (AASC) in Chennai.
The abstract of the Kishore's paper "Teaching Laws of Reflection Using Visual Communication in Graphics Interchange Format: A Lesson Study at Grade Eight" in MDC21/VC/01 goes as follows.
A lesson study was undertaken to teach laws of reflection at grade level eight through three GIFs - Graphics Interchange Format animations - as visual communication for action research to improve teaching practice. A triangulated research lesson was produced, rehearsed and delivered with centrality of GIF visual communication by the teacher as classroom practitioner with the other two research lesson writers as observers during the delivery.
The post lesson delivery reflection led to standardisation of the lesson for future use. The reactions of students (N=30; Urban English Medium School; Age group: 13-15 years) were found significantly positive at 0.01 level of significance when analysed through sign test and chi-squared non-parametric statistical analysis. The lesson study was deemed multidisciplinary since it blended GIF communication, science instruction and triangulated action research in the form of lesson study.
The study has implications for teaching children with learning disability of disgraphia who are predominantly visual-verbal learners and learn better through visual communication and articulation through picture reading or visual decoding. The conclusion is that the centrality of visual communication leads to efficacious inclusive education across the ability spectrum since most learners are visual learners.
Keywords: GIF, inclusive education, lesson study, science instruction, visual communication
