Exemplar learning material is the designed model, specific learning aid, standard specimen or formatted example of learning sheet to attain the competency based learning outcome.
At Chaksu based BNS-NGO, a decision was taken to develop exemplar material to introduce phonics method of teaching English in with multidisciplinary-multimodal approach.
Phonics Based Multidisciplinary Rhyme for /a/ sound
Avail alpha apps
With byte and bit
A byte is eight bits
Algebra is great hit
Phonological Awareness Poem
Alpha begins with /a/ sound
Avail begins with /a/ sound
Algebra begins with /a/ sound
(A byte) begins with /a/ sound
Move not to tongue-n-lips
Say /a/ sound from throat
Learn not algebra by rote
Three phonetic alphabet poem for K-L-M
Kilo weight fixed by kind king
Who likes, kiwi-n-kangaroo fat
Long Lima likes lotus-n-leaf
Mike, man-n-monkey sit on a mat
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo
In your class, please maintain a deco
Fox, Golf, Hotel, India, Jam, Kilo
Never ever your trumpet you should blow
Lion, Moon, Nut, Orange, Papa,
When you leave the school, say Tata-Tata
Queen, Rat, Star, Tie, Uniform
For leave from the school, please inform
Van, Whistle, X-Ray, Yo-Yo, Zoo
Shine, shine, shine -shine your shoes
Example of Set of flash cards: Picture cards and text cards
