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Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Far-reaching benefits of origami for pre-school and special kids

This blogger's experience of working with kids in inclusive learning set-up in small schools has revealed that serious and protocol-based interventionist approach to simple origami activities have both cognitive and non-cognitive benefits as suggested by development psychology.

Exhibit: Collage with kid showing proudly his origami creation after guided learning


Experience reveals the following main benefits of origami, if at least 6 activities are undertaken per year for children in age group 3-6 years and a scrap-book made by a kid with deep learning of each activity

Builds cognitive abilities of listening and following instructions; sequencing; material manipulation and creativity

-Develops non-cognitive skills such as attentiveness, multi-sensory experiences, fine-motor movement training 
-provides opportunity of diagnosis of child's coordination skills
-Promotes social skills of bonding with teacher, asking for support and receiving feedback
-Provides general wellness through self-esteem building and opportunity for whole brain education
-Develops values of patience and cooperation

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