Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June which falls on June 19 this year. It is being marked by an interactive doodle by Google on its homepage [1].

Earlier, I had contributed the blog “Understanding Sanskrit phrase - Pitru Devo Bhava - this Father Day” on speaking tree [2] as follows.
In one of the Upnishadas, it has been said, “Pitru Devo Bhava”, which means “To deem your Father as God”.
The Sanskrit phrase is a philosophical way to say that the father must acquire divine qualities and work as a ideal and role model for his children. The worthy qualities .in a father have been envisaged are that a father must kind, loving, fair, life-long learner and gracious.
Here is a message in haiku to children, how they must treat their father.
Let your father be
Unto to thee as thy God
Whom thou adorest
However, this can only happen when a father treats himself and his children as souls and has acquired self-knowledge to induce reverence for himself among his children.
In modern world, father is often called ‘dad’. However, a true dad has been described as in the following sentence acrostic on DAD.
DAD: A sentence acrostic
D: Dares for independent
A: Actions with rational thinking for being a co-traveler in life’s journey with his
D: Daughter(s) / son(s) and gives solicited advice and guidance
Also, I had contributed a doodle art on the theme in merinews.com portal [3] which was visited by over 4,000 viewers.
[2] Understanding Sanskrit phrase - Pitru Devo Bhava - this Father Day
Blog by Lalit Inshore, 187, VIEWS
[3] Dad's Day Doodle –
Merinewshttp://photos.merinews.com › newPhotoLanding
Happy Father's Day greetings in doodle art. ... Dad's Day Doodle. cartoon pics. By CJ: Dr. Lalit Kishore | Views: 4678