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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Father's Day: Acrostics on FATHER and DAD

Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday of June to celebrate the contribution that 'fathers and father-figures' that they make towards their children's lives and relate well to their mother. In the year 2021, the observance falls on June 20.

Lets understand 'fatherhood' and 'dadism' through two sentence acrostics on FATHER and DAD as follows.

Sentence acrostic on FATHER.

F:Family's dependable senior member who A: Always believes in himself and T: Touches everyone's soul and provides for the needs, interests, hopes and dreams on a daily basis with kind loving H: Heart through equity, empathy, wisdom and counsel by being an E: Example of worthy life full of R: Reverence for all family members and ready to heed, value, comfort, protect, support and guide in thick and thin

Sentence acrostic on DAD

D: Dares for independent

A: Action through rational thinking by being a co-traveller on life’s journey with his

D: Daughter(s) and / son(s) and gives solicited right advice and guidance

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