Charcoal and wet-chalk drawings as artwork can be incorporated as a part of artwork suitable for STEAM-integrated education with both cognitive and non-cognitive gains. It's an easy way to since it requires simple material which can be held directly in donimant hand hand for creating the the artistic visuals .
The beginning can be made right from early child education stage since handing material requires the pinch and tripod grasps. Drawing geometric shapes, stick figures, lab apparatus diagrams and kitchen utensils shapes can form the activities for skill development.
At the pre-primary level 30-hour per academic sessions skill-modules at the beginners' level can be prepared with incremental skill levels. One-day training workshop for teachers can be held by calling a college level art teacher who is an expert in charcoal art. The trainer would also give the list of the appropriate material and also provide you the tips and hints to make the artwork age-grade appropriate.
For implementation of skilling module, devote 6 periods for demonstration, 9-periods for guided practice and rest of the periods for practice and refinement. (Kishore, 2025)
Kishore, L. (2025). For STEM-integrated artwork at pre-primary: Begin with charcoal and wet-chalk drawings, Retrieved from, https://lalitculp.wixsite.com/website/post/09298db6-1913-4712-abc9-5ae9436ea640/edit
WikiHow co-author Kelly Medfor (2024) states "Drawing with charcoal is a popular medium that can create amazing works of art that are dimensional and versatile. Whether you are new to the world of art or exploring other mediums, drawing with charcoal can take some time to get the hang of, but can end up helping you master other art forms. It's as easy as selecting your materials, learning how to hold the charcoal, and creating your drawing."
Medfor, K. (2024). How to Draw with Charcoal? Retrieved from https://www.wikihow.com/Draw-With-Charcoal
Easy Peasy and Fun, (2021) put forth, "Charcoals are not something that you hear as much about as some of the other art mediums and they really are a great tool for teaching shading and shadowing in art, as well as highlighting."
Easy Peasy and Fun, (2021). Charcoal Drawing for Kids – Art Lesson Tips and Tricks, Retrieved from https://www.easypeasyandfun.com/charcoal-drawing-for-kids/